Toxic Plants For Betta Fish (List & Details)

Betta fish are a beautiful addition to any home, but they require special care. One important aspect of betta care is knowing which plants are toxic to them. There are many common household plants that can be toxic to betta fish if they consume them.

Unfortunately for some fish owners, several plants can be detrimental to the health and well-being of these aquatic creatures.

In this guide, we will be discussing some of the most toxic plants that can be harmful to bettas.

Toxic Plants for Betta Fish

If you have any of these plants in your home, it is important to keep them out of reach of your betta fish.

Ingesting even a small amount of these plants can cause serious health problems for betta fish, so it is best to err on the side of caution.


Plants such as Amaranth and Celery can be toxic to betta fish if consumed in high quantities.

Amaranthus spp. are potential nitrate accumulators and may contain some soluble oxalates. Betta fish are known to be particularly sensitive to high nitrate levels and the presence of oxalates in their water.

While there is no definitive evidence that Amaranthus spp. are harmful to betta fish, it is recommended that they be kept out of betta fish tanks as a precautionary measure.


Cinnamon has been shown to be effective in reducing waterborne lead toxicity in fingerlings. In one study, cinnamon was found to significantly reduce lead levels in betta fish tanks.

Rue (Ruta graveolens)

Treating Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, with extract of rue has a significant effect on key aggressive reproductive behaviors.

The study found that the rue Extract significantly decreased the time spent displaying aggression, mounting and attempting to mount other fish.

The team observed the effects of Rue Extract on three different key aggressive behaviors in bettas: display behavior, mounting behavior, and attempt to mount other fish.

Some common signs of toxicity in bettas include discolored water, sunken eyes, and an inability to swim or eat.

Why are toxic plants harmful to betta fish?

First of all, betta fish cannot break down plant toxins. This means that the toxins will build up in their systems and can cause serious harm.

Secondly, betta fish are not immune to the effects of plant toxins – they can and do suffer from poisoning as a result.

Finally, even if a betta fish does ingest a toxic plant, it is unlikely to die from it.

However, if left untreated, poisoning can lead to health problems for your pet including convulsions and eventual death.

To help keep your betta safe and healthy, it’s important to research the specific plants in your home that may be harmful to them.

By knowing what toxins these plants contain, you can make sure they stay out of your betta’s reach and protect them from any potential harm.

Final Words

Be especially cautious of plants in water containers or near sources of food, as these may contain toxins that can kill your Betta. Be sure to check the plant’s safety information before adding it to your home aquarium or fish tank.
