Top 27 Popular Types of Betta Fish: Which one is Best for your aquarium

Types of Betta Fish: Today I will introduce you to the top 27 types of popular Betta fish. Gentle and beauty-loving people must know the names of Betta fish. You can buy tank accessories from the market and build a tank to house the betta fish. You can also keep betta fish toys. If you want to know more about betta fish, you can just search on Google Top 10 betta fish names, top 10 betta fish facts, unique betta fish names and betta fish names by color.

Top 27 Popular Types of Betta Fish: Betta fish, scientifically known as Betta splendens, has captured the hearts of fish enthusiasts worldwide with their mesmerizing beauty and captivating personalities. With their flowing fins, vibrant colors, and unique patterns, different types of betta fish have become immensely popular in the world of aquarium keeping.

One of the reasons for their popularity is the vast diversity of Betta fish types available. Each type boasts its own distinctive characteristics, making them highly sought after by aquarists looking to add a touch of elegance and vibrancy to their tanks. Some of the most popular types of betta fish are red betta, Half-moon betta, Albino Betta, Crowntail Betta, Butterfly Betta, and so on.

In this article, we will explore these popular types of Betta fish in more detail. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or a beginner, understanding the various types of Betta fish will help you choose the perfect addition to your aquarium and create a stunning aquatic display that will captivate all who behold it.

Types of Betta Fish by Color

Betta Fish by Color

Betta fish come in various colors, offering a diverse range of choices for fish enthusiasts. From vibrant red and blue to striking black and white, the types of betta fish by color are numerous. Each color variation adds its own unique charm, making betta fish a popular choice for aquariums worldwide.

Red Betta Fish

Red Betta Fish

The color red predominates among the many betta fish. It swims in a tank and emits a brilliant hue thanks to its magnificent and consistent color. Betta enthusiasts often search for and believe the ideal color is solid, constant bright red. It is rare to see a fish that is all red, though, since they frequently have darker bodies with vivid red-hued tails and fins.

Black Betta Fish

Black Betta Fish

Three different varieties of black Betta are Melano, Metallic (or copper) black, and Black lace Betts Fish. Melano betta is the most well-liked of the three owing to their deep black color. The black opal, black devil, as well, as black ice variants of black betta fish, are among those that are bi-color or marbled. Black bettas are equally popular compared to those with vibrant hues and iridescent scales due to their rich color and stunning tails.

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White Betta Fish

White Betta Fish

The White Betta Fish is a striking variant of the Betta splendens species known for its pristine white coloration. With their elegant flowing fins and contrasting red or black eyes, they create a captivating presence in any aquarium. Even though they lack color, white betta with distinctive tail varieties is stunning. Any fish tank will seem more attractive with its flowing, sweeping tails.

Mustard Betta Fish

Mustard Betta Fish

The color of the mustard gas betta is more well-known than the design of its tail. It is another variety of bi-colored betta that is thought to be deserving of its own name. Any specimen with a blue, steel turquoise, and green body having yellow or orange fins is referred to as having this hue. This betta variety’s colorful fins and black body create a striking contrast, making it a particularly eye-catching showpiece fish!

Pastel Betta Fish

Pastel Betta Fish

The pastel betta fish, often known as the opaque betta, is a unique and fantastic type of betta fish that has an aesthetic appearance. A recessive gene causes the fish’s base color to seem as though it has a whitewash overlay.  These fish, unlike the bicolor hence their two colors, ought to have a pastel as well as an iridescent hue that gives them a stunning appearance.

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Albino Betta Fish

Albino Betta Fish

The Albino Betta Fish is a captivating variant of Betta splendens distinguished by its lack of pigmentation, giving it a pale, almost translucent appearance. What sets it apart is its striking red eyes, which provide a stark contrast against its delicate body. Their uniqueness and beauty make them popular among aquarists, but it’s crucial to ensure their specific needs are met to maintain their health and longevity.

Chocolate Betta Fish

Chocolate Betta Fish

The chocolate betta fish are quite impressive among other types of betta fish. They are a bicolored variety with distinct body and fin colorations. A popular kind of betta fish that has a brown body and eye-catching orange fins is known as a “chocolate” fish. The mustard betta fish and chocolate betta fish have strikingly similar coloring, which only adds to the confusion.

Purple Betta Fish

Purple Betta Fish

The Purple Betta Fish, a variety of Betta splendens, is a captivating aquarium fish cherished for its stunning purple hues. With their elegant flowing fins and vibrant coloration, they create a mesmerizing display in any tank. These Betta fish are known for their territorial nature and can be housed alone or with compatible tank mates. They require proper care, including a suitable environment and balanced diet, to ensure their health and vitality in captivity.

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Green Betta Fish

Green Betta Fish

Although green betta fish are often solid colors of green, they can also be found in tints ranging from turquoise to a deep shade of green that, under some lighting conditions, seems practically black. What all of these “emerald” wonders have in common is that they shine with a shimmering metallic wash that sparkles brilliantly in the proper light. Dark Green betta fish is one of the unique and mostly loved betta fish types.

Orange Betta Fish

Orange Betta Fish

The Orange Betta Fish is a popular aquarium fish known for its vibrant orange coloration. It belongs to the Betta splendens species and is often referred to as Siamese fighting fish. With their flowing fins and striking appearance, they make for an eye-catching addition to any tank. Betta fish are known for their territorial behavior and can be kept alone or with compatible tank mates. They require proper care and suitable habitat to thrive in captivity.

Types of Betta Fish by Tail

Betta fish exhibit various tail shapes, making them unique and sought-after pets. From the flowing and elaborate fins of the Halfmoon and Double Tail to the shorter and rounded tails of the Roundtail, the types of Betta fish by tail offer a wide range of choices for aquarium enthusiasts. Each tail type contributes to the fish’s beauty and swimming style, creating a diverse and captivating display in home aquariums.

Crowntail Betta Fish

Crowntail Betta Fish

Crowntail betta fish is one of the bettas that are unquestionably easiest to identify. This species was created quite recently; Ahmad Yusuf began breeding it in Indonesia around 25 years ago. Despite being produced in a variety of hues, this Betta is most frequently seen in deep reds and blues. They stand out from other varieties thanks to their distinctive spiky tail fins, which have decreased webbing and expanded rays resembling crowns.

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Veiltail Betta Fish

Veiltail Betta Fish

Veiltail Betta Fish is the most prevalent type and traditional betta fish available in pet stores in the USA and Canada. This particular species of betta may be produced in various hues, including pinks, oranges, reds, greens, and blues. They are also relatively simple to breed. Despite the development of various tail forms in recent years, which partly reduced its appeal, they continue to be the most popular because of their lengthy history.

DoubleTail Betta Fish

DoubleTail Betta Fish

The DoubleTail Betta fish, also known as the DT Betta, is a fascinating variation of the Betta splendens species. What sets them apart is their unique tail structure, where their caudal fin is divided into two distinct lobes, giving the appearance of two tails. This distinctive feature creates a stunning display as they swim gracefully in the water. Double Tail Bettas are available in various colors and patterns, adding to their allure.

Combtail Betta Fish

Combtail Betta Fish

Many aquarists believe that the Combtail, a relatively new form of betta fish, is not a unique tail type but rather a characteristic that is present in a number of other tail types. This Betta’s tail is not very pronounced, but despite its huge variety of colors and patterns, it is still a stunning fish to see. Additionally, Combtail betta fish have pointed, or comb-like, rays enhancing beyond their tail’s webbing.

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Rosetail Betta Fish

Rosetail Betta Fish

The Rosetail Betta type has a very broad tail with more branching and rays. The extensive branching on the rays of the Rosetail betta’s fins, which results in overlap and a rose-like appearance, distinguishes it from other betta species. Your Rosetail may begin to hide more since he will become weary of swimming with a big tail. Make sure there is nothing in his tank that he can snag those magnificent fins on since these Betta are more likely to shred and destroy them.

Halfmoon Betta Fish

Halfmoon Betta Fish

The Halfmoon Betta Fish is a popular and visually stunning variation of Betta splendens. What distinguishes them is their impressive tail shape, forming a perfect 180-degree spread when fully flared, resembling a half-moon. This unique finnage gives them a regal and graceful appearance. Halfmoon Bettas are available in a wide range of vibrant colors and intricate patterns, making them a favorite among aquarists.

Feathertail Betta Fish

Feathertail Betta Fish

The Feathertail Betta has exceptionally full, ruffled anal, dorsal, as well as caudal fins. They look like a hybrid of the Rosetail and the Crowntail. Their showy exterior has a price, both in terms of money and the overall well-being of the fish. The increased branching and rays on their tails, as well as the fingers of rays as well as branching, give this Betta’s fins a look of finely-furled feathers.

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Spadetail Betta Fish

Spadetail Betta Fish

The round-tailed betta fish and the Spadetail betta fish look quite similar, but the Spadetail betta’s tail is not round; instead, it tapers to a single point. They resemble each other, with the exception of their tails. From the competitiveness standpoint, the spade-shaped tail needs to be equal and symmetrical on both sides. Spadetail bettas currently need help to locate collectors and enthusiasts since they have lost their popularity.

Roundtail Betta Fish

Roundtail Betta Fish

The Roundtail Betta Fish is a captivating variation of Betta splendens characterized by its unique tail shape. Unlike other Betta types, the Roundtail Betta has a shorter, more rounded caudal fin, which gives it a distinct and charming appearance. They have a more compact swimming style with their compact and rounded tails compared to other Betta varieties. Roundtail Bettas come in various colors and patterns, adding to their appeal.

Delta Tail Betta Fish

Delta Tail Betta Fish

The triangular form of the delta tail, which often has angles up to 120 degrees, is what gives it its name; it represents the Greek letter delta. The tail has a lovely, symmetrical form that spreads toward the borders after beginning narrowly toward the belly. When flared, this variant may reach nearly 180 degrees and has broader fins than a conventional delta.

Types of Betta Fish by Pattern

Betta fish display a fantastic variety of patterns, providing aquarium hobbyists with a wide choice. The many forms of Betta fish by pattern offer an eye-catching and distinctive addition to any aquarium, ranging from the solid and stunning marbles to the fine and delicate patterns of the butterfly or dragon scale.

Butterfly Betta Fish

Butterfly Betta Fish

A butterfly betta’s aesthetic resembles the flapping wings of a butterfly. One of the most attractive betta fish species, especially when swimming elegantly. This particular betta fish only has one color, which gradually ages from the body to the fins. The exterior fins have a different hue, while the borders are white. Quality betta species with a butterfly design have a divided shade in the middle.

Multi-colored Betta Fish

Multi-colored Betta Fish

The term “multi-colored betta fish” is used to refer to any betta fish featuring three or more patterns on its body that don’t suit a certain pattern type. These fish are quite common, and the word is kind of a catch-all. These fish have the potential to be quite beautiful, and the choices for color and patterning are practically endless. The aesthetic appearance of this betta fish makes them a popular choice.

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Grizzle Betta Fish

Grizzle Betta Fish

The grizzle gene creates a marbled or mottled effect on their scales, resulting in a beautiful and unique appearance. Grizzle Bettas often have a combination of colors, with dark and light patches blending, creating a captivating visual display. These fish come in various hues, including blues, greens, and purples. The Grizzle Betta’s eye-catching appearance and elegant finnage make them a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts.

Marble Betta Fish

Marble Betta Fish

The distinctively colorful splotchy patterns that cover the bodies, tails, as well as fins of marble betta fish, are well recognized.  The fish often have a light base color and bright, solid patterns in colors like red or blue. Most marble betta fishes have a consistent hue on their pale bodies, which are accented by deep blues and reds. It appears blotchy and darkens in color with time, changing its appearance.

Cambodian Betta Fish

Cambodian Betta Fish

The Cambodian pattern is a variant of the bicolored pattern, but it is distinctive enough to deserve its name. The characteristics of this pattern are a light body, particularly flesh-colored white or even light pink, combined with vivid, solid-colored fins that are often red. However, other colors of fins are also possible (but still with the homogeneous flesh-colored body).

Turquoise betta Fish

Turquoise betta Fish

The Turquoise Betta Fish is a stunning variation of Betta splendens known for its vibrant and eye-catching turquoise coloration. This beautiful fish exhibits a range of shades, from light pastel blue to intense turquoise hues. The mesmerizing color extends to their fins, which adds to their overall allure. Turquoise Bettas are admired for their graceful swimming style and elegant appearance.

Wild Type Betta Fish

Wild Type Betta Fish

Wild Type Betta Fish, also known as Betta splendens or Betta embellish, refers to the original, natural form of Betta fish found in their native habitats. These fish have a more subdued and earthy coloration than their selectively bred counterparts. Wild Type Bettas typically showcase shades of brown, green, and gray, with intricate patterns and markings that provide excellent camouflage in their natural environments.

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Wrap Up

In conclusion, betta fishes are available in different types, and every kind of betta fish has diverse features. There is a Betta to suit every unique taste, from bright, dramatic colors and patterns to flowing fins, ruffled looks, and scales that glitter like those of a dragon.

You might need to do a little “fishing” to discover one of those rare beauties because specific colors, patterns, and tail kinds could be harder to come by. Whatever Betta you decide on, be sure to provide him with a suitable home in a tank that is at least 5 gallons in size and has a heater, low-flow filter, and enough live plants for him to swim through.

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