Betta fish can turn white for many reasons, but the most common cause is a health issue. Bettas may turn white when they are sick and when they are stressed. Other causes of white bettas include changing water conditions and diet.
Why is my Betta Fish Turning White?
Betta fish are a popular pet fish and many people keep them in ornamental tanks. Bettas can be colorful, but some owners notice that their betta fish are turning white and losing their vibrant colors.
There are several reasons why a betta fish might turn white, but the most common cause is getting sick.
The most common is when their tank water becomes too hard. Other causes can be disease, poor water quality, and stress from other fish in the tank.
If you notice your betta fish turning white and losing appetite, there are some things you need to monitor to ensure their health and wellbeing.
Keep an eye on the water quality, make sure all tanks are properly set up, and remove any potential sources of stress.
If you suspect your betta is ill and is exhibiting symptoms of white syndrome, there are a few things you can do to help it recover.
Causes of Betta Fish Turning White
-The most common cause is bettas get sick often and some diseases can cause the skin to become thin and translucent, eventually leading to sickness or death.
-Betta fish turning white is a common occurrence in fish tanks. While there are many potential causes, the most common one is a process called biofilm. This process is caused by bacteria and can result in the fish’s skin becoming white and tight.
-One is a lack of light, which can lead to decreased coloration and eventually death in the fish.
-Another is a problem with the digestive system, which can cause rupture of organs or improper digestion of food, leading to a loss of color and often death.
When Betta fish turn white, it is often due to one or more of the following:
-Not providing a healthy and varied diet
-Not having enough filtration
-Excessive water changes are not being done regularly enough
-Poor water quality
Symptoms of Betta Turning White
Betta fish are hobbyists kept in many households. Bettas are tropical fish and as such do not fare well in cold water. Bettas are susceptible to a condition called white spot syndrome, which is caused by the development of lesions on their skin.
The lesions look like white spots and the fish often develop sunken eyes and die from the condition.
Betta Fish Turning White Treatment
When a fish starts turning white around the eyes, it’s important to consider a few things before deciding what to do.
-Water quality: Poor water quality can cause your betta to turn white. Make sure to check the water parameters and adjust them if necessary.
-Food: Change your betta’s diet if he starts turning white.
Final Words
In conclusion, proper care is essential to keeping Bettas healthy. If you notice your Betta fish starting to turn white, it’s time to act and get them treated. Remember to feed them a balanced diet and give them plenty of oxygen, and they should be just fine.
- Humphrey, J. D., et al. “Exotic bacterial pathogens Edwardsiella tarda and Edwardsiella ictaluri from imported ornamental fish Betta splendens and Puntius conchonius, respectively: isolation and quarantine significance.” Australian Veterinary Journal 63.11 (1986): 369-371.
- Song, Marcus. Caring for Betta Fish. Lulu. com, 2006.
Noga, Edward J. Fish disease: diagnosis and treatment. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

I’m an aquatic veterinarian have a love for aquarium fish. The purpose of creating this blog is to share my personal experience and expertise with the most popular Betta Fish as well as other fish. If you are, interested in caring for Betta fish species just like me? Follow my articles and guides.