5 Special Things Why Betta Fishes Are So Popular?

A betta fish’s brilliant coloring, small space habit, relatively inexpensive price, and relative ease of care make them a popular choice for indoor aquarists.

Moreover, Betta fish do not require a lot of area so many people prefer keeping Betta tanks at home instead of having huge outdoor ponds or lakes like some other species would need.

The article will introduce you to the reasons why betta fishes are so popular?

Why they are perfect for people who have smaller tanks or live in apartments where space is limited.

Why Betta Fishes are So Popular
Image: Siamese fighting fish

What is Betta Fish and Where They Originated From?

Betta fish are a type of freshwater fish that originate from tropical Asia.

The name “betta” comes from the Latin word meaning “pretty” or “splendid.”

The livebearer is native to shallow water streams, rice paddies, marshes, and stagnant pools in Thailand or Vietnam.

It was probably introduced into captivity by first being found near the banks of these areas throughout Southeast Asia.

They have also been noted by ancient writings to be used as offerings during Hindu rituals like in the Brahmanical region of Bengal.

5 Special Things Why Betta Fishes are So Popular

These following qualities have made the betta fish one of the most popular aquarium fishes in both home and professional setups.

1. Bright Colour

Many people first become interested in fish when they keep their own aquarium. This is because fish have a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.

Homeowners often call it “the living room aquarium”. There is something so enthralling about watching their antics both day and night that drives captive aquarists to spend hours on end admiring these creatures through their glass walls or underwater ledges.

Some varieties have been bred with glittering scales. Male betta fish are beautiful to watch as they emit their colorful fins during mating and courtship.

2. Inexpensive and Available

Compare to other aquarium fishes betta fishes are inexpensive and available. They are available at most pet stores.

3. Responsive and Vibrant

They are very responsive to humans, allowing you to choose your favorite. They often seem to be swimming in every direction at once, giving the impression of a very vibrant movement.

Unlike other small species that get frightened away by huge currents and shifts, bettas live comfortably in all environments.

While some people may find this energetic behavior frustrating, others find it entertaining and enjoy watching their bettas interact with their surroundings.

4. Easy to Manage and Care

Most people think that betta fish are hard to care for, but this is actually not the case. In fact, they are one of the easiest fish to care for.

They only require a small tank with a filter and a heater, and they do best when kept at a temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Betta fishes also do not require a lot of food and will eat much less than other species.

They also eat a wide variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, freeze-dried bloodworms, and live food.

They are also resistant to diseases. With such durability, this makes them an ideal option for kids to keep as pets.

5. Need Small Space

The betta fish is an attractive little freshwater animal that, unlike most other pet fish, doesn’t need a big tank with filters and complicated equipment.

They grow to only 2-inches long and give birth to live babies which are good for food.

Betta fish do not need to be kept in tanks. They thrive in small water containers, such as jars or solo cups that contain plants, because protecting the plants is what will help keep them safe.


Are Betta Fish Smart?

Yes. Studies have shown they can remember learned behaviors from one day to the next for up to 3 weeks at a time, something that’s extremely rare in lower vertebrates.

How Long Do Betta Fish Live?

A betta’s life span can vary greatly due to a number of factors but usually is 3-5 years.

According to one report on different rates of survival by age groups for bettas in captivity, “Betta splendens have an average lifespan of 4.5 years”.

This means that the majority of these fish live about four and a half years before they die which would make them about three or four when they are first purchased from pet stores.

Can vetta defend their territory?

Yes, bettas require their own specific tank because they are highly territorial and will attack other fish. If you have a betta, it is best to keep it alone in its own tank.

If you want to keep your betta with more than one other fish, there are a few things you can do before to avoid their clash.

Do betta fish love their owner?

Yes. If you take care of your betta fish properly, they will be happy to spend their entire lives with you.

Interesting fact is that betta can see and recognize their owner.

How to take care of a betta fish?

Feed your betta properly and you have know about how often should you feed a betta fish. Plant-based feeds are given once or twice a day, since these provide more vitamins than live food does.

-Maintain your tank water at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit, with 1-2 inches of water and no less than 3 gallons per gallon of surface area in the tank during normal operation.

-Aquariums with a planted area make for a suitable home for your Betta Fish.

-Larger aquariums may also provide more room for live plant growth and therefore more oxygen will be created through photosynthesis which will benefit your fish’s health significantly.

-Remember, plants give off oxygen which helps fishes breathe better. They can also provide an area for hiding in case they feel threatened by any of their more aggressive tank mates.

Is betta susceptible to disease?

Yes, Bettas are susceptible to a variety of diseases including cloudy eye, ich (white spot disease), columnaris, velvet, anchor worms, dropsy, and swim bladder disease. Another common problem is the black spot, which is caused by a parasite.

Final Words

Betta fishes are so popular among aquarium enthusiasts because of their vibrant colors and unique fins that make them easy to identify.

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