Betta fish are considered the most beautiful species among fishes. But they also have many good features that make them more unique.
These fish are facultative air-breathers, which means they can breathe both water and air. This allows them to live in water that has low oxygen levels, making them a good choice for aquariums with limited space.
Betta fish can survive out of water for a short period. Most betta fish can live out of water for about 1-2 hours.
However, there are a few things you can do to make sure your betta fish stays safe and healthy.
Betta Fish Jumped Out of Tank Still Alive
Last year, a betta fish jumped out of its tank and onto the floor. I think the fish was dead, scooped it up and placed it in the trash can.
However, after a while, I observed that the fish was still alive and moving its body around in the trash can.
Fortunately, it was noticed me and immediately I rescued the betta fish.
But the question is how did the betta fish survive jumping out of its tank?
Reason 1: Labyrinth Organ
Betta fish can survive out of water for extended periods by adapting their physiology.
The labyrinth organ is a unique organ found in the Betta Fish. This organ is responsible for the fish’s ability to breathe air and out of water. The labyrinth is made up of connective tissue and folded epithelium. This allows the fish to take in oxygen from the air and transfer it to their blood.
The Pseudobranch is also found in the labyrinth organ. This helps to circulate the oxygenated water throughout the fish’s body.
Labyrinth fish are a unique group of fish that live entirely outside of water. These fish have a unique organ process called labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe air and survive out of water.
Labyrinth fishes get their common name from the maze-like arrangement of their internal organs. This adaptation allows them to extract oxygen from the air bubbles they create while swimming at the surface of the water.
Bettas are a popular example of labyrinth fish and are one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish.
The labyrinth organ in betta fish helps them to regulate gas exchange and ion balance.
The labyrinth organ also allows the fish to take in salt from the water, which helps them to maintain the right balance of electrolytes in their bodies.
They also have a very efficient circulatory system that quickly transports oxygenated blood throughout their body.
Reason 2: Genetically Strong Survival Ability
In the wild, bettas are found in slow-moving streams, ditches, and rice paddies where they often live in stagnant water.
This system is unique among fish and helps these creatures to survive in environments where water is scarce or unavailable.
This allows them to survive in situations where they cannot get oxygen from water.
They have also the ability to establish a connection with the environment through chemosensory processes. This allows them to detect water quality, food sources, and predators.
Next, they set control over their body temperature to stay comfortable.
These three adaptations allow betta fish to live for extended periods without access to a traditional aquarium environment.
Final Words
In conclusion, betta fish can live out of water for a short time, but they are best when kept in an aquarium with water. When choosing a betta fish, be sure to get one that is healthy and looks vibrant.

I’m an aquatic veterinarian have a love for aquarium fish. The purpose of creating this blog is to share my personal experience and expertise with the most popular Betta Fish as well as other fish. If you are, interested in caring for Betta fish species just like me? Follow my articles and guides.