The average betta fish can last around two weeks without food. However, this varies depending on the size and health of the fish. If a betta fish isn’t eating, it is important to try and figure out why.
There could be a number of reasons, such as the water quality being poor, the fish being stressed, or there being something wrong with the food. If you can’t determine the cause, it is best to take the fish to a vet.
How Long Can A Betta Fish Go Without Eating?
Betta fish are one of the most popular fish kept as pets in the home. They are colorful, active, and can be easy to care for if their needs are met.
One question that many people have about betta fish is how long they can go without eating. The answer to this question depends on a few factors.
The first factor to consider is whether the betta fish is healthy or not. A healthy betta fish can go without food for up to two weeks, but an unhealthy betta may only be able to go without food for a day or two before it starts to show signs of malnutrition.
The second factor to consider is what the betta fish is being fed. A diet of mostly live food will allow a betta fish to go without food for longer than a diet of frozen or processed foods.
Betta fish are a popular pet, but they can sometimes stop eating for no clear reason. There are a few things you can do to try to get your betta fish-eating again.

One possible reason why a betta fish might not be eating is that it is sick. If your betta fish has been swimming erratically, sitting at the bottom of the tank, or has developed other strange behaviors, it might be sick and you should take it to a vet.
Another possibility is that your betta fish is bored or stressed. If you have recently changed the tank’s décor or added new fish to the tank, your betta fish might be stressed out and not want to eat.
You can try adding some live plants or new decorations to the tank to keep your betta fish entertained.
The most common reasons a betta fish will refuse to eat are that the water is too cold, the water is too acidic, or there is not enough food in the tank.
If your betta isn’t eating, check the water temperature and pH level and make sure there is plenty of food in the tank. You can also try feeding your betta a different type of food, such as frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp.
There can be many reasons why a betta fish is not eating. One reason may be that the water is too warm. Bettas like their water to be around 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and if it is warmer than that, they may not feel like eating.
Another reason could be that the betta is not getting enough food. If there are only a few pellets in the tank, the betta may not eat because it doesn’t think there will be enough food later on.
Another possibility is that there is something wrong with the water quality, and the fish isn’t feeling well. Finally, stress can also cause a betta to stop eating.
If there has been a recent change in the environment or if the fish is being bullied by other fish in the tank, it may not feel like eating.
Final Verdict
Under average conditions, a Betta fish can go without food for about 7 to 14 days. But if they hunger for too long, it can be bad for their health and well-being. It’s important to set up a regular feeding routine, give your betta a balanced diet, and watch for signs of hunger or malnutrition.
As responsible parents, we must put our Betta fish’s nutritional needs first and take the right steps to ensure they are healthy overall.

I’m an aquatic veterinarian have a love for aquarium fish. The purpose of creating this blog is to share my personal experience and expertise with the most popular Betta Fish as well as other fish. If you are, interested in caring for Betta fish species just like me? Follow my articles and guides.