Betta fish are not only known for their beautiful colors and striking appearances but do betta fish like music?
A study has shown that betta fish can detect specific frequencies in music and respond to them in a way that is similar to human emotions. The researchers believe that the fish’s ability to react to music may be a form of communication.
Do Betta Fish Like Music?
There is a popular belief that betta fish can be trained to enjoy the sound of music. Some people think that the vibrations from the sound waves create a calming environment for the fish. Others believe that bettas simply enjoy the sound of human voices.
There have been several studies conducted on this topic, but there is not yet any conclusive evidence as to whether or not betta fish can actually hear music.
One study found that while betta fish do react to certain sounds, they do not necessarily react in the same way as other fish do.
Another study found that when exposed to classical music, betta fish showed more signs of aggression and stress than when they were exposed to other types of music or no music at all.
Researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia played classical and heavy metal music for betta fish and studied their behavior.
The classical music made the betta fish swim around more and the metal music made them hide. This proves that different types of music have different effects on betta fish.
Some people believe that these small fish are able to produce musical sounds, and there is some evidence to support this claim.
A study showed that when betta fish were presented with different types of noises, they displayed a preference for certain tones.
These fish may be making music because they find certain sounds enjoyable or because it helps them communicate with one another.
What Type of Music Do Betta Fish Like?
Actually, there is not enough evidence that this particular song would enjoy betta fish. They just enjoy the sound wave vibration that flows through the water.
There’s a reason you’ll often see betta fish in stores with classical music playing in the background, it seems to make them happy.
In fact, a study by researchers at the University of Berlin found that betta fish react positively to both classical and pop music.
The study found that the fish swam more quickly and vigorously when they were exposed to music, and they also opened their mouths wider, which is a sign of happiness for these fish.
So if you’re looking for a way to keep your betta happy, put on some tunes.
Here are some songs that give relaxing pleasure like “The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin, “East of the Sun (and West of the Moon)” by Django Reinhard,t “Claire de Lune” by Claude Debussy, “The Flower Duet” by Leo Delibes, “Bolero” by Maurice Ravel.
Do Betta Fish React to Music?
Betta fish react to music by getting excited and swimming around more. This is because music can make them feel happy and energetic.
However, betta fish respond to certain stimuli in different ways. So it’s seen that music that is enjoyed by a betta fish, others may not.
Some people believe that betta fish react positively to music because it is a calming and repetitive sound.
Other people believe that the fish associate music with feeding time, which is when they get their favorite food. Different betta fish have different personalities.
Do Betta Fish Like Loud Music?
Loud music means high vibration of the sound waves. This vibration enhances betta fish to body movement numerously.
However, Fishes have ears. For betta fish, Their ears are situated on the sides of their heads that are fully covered by a thin layer of skin.
So when the strong vibration comes it may cause serious harm to the ear of betta fish. Result in, their sensation will be damaged. They will not see at night. Sudden vibration also affects the fish.
Does Music Affect Fish?
There is no definitive answer to whether or not music affects fish, as different species of fish react differently to various types of music.
However, some studies have shown that certain kinds of music can have a calming effect on fish, while other types of music can agitate them.
It is possible that the way music affects fish has something to do with the frequency of the sound, as well as the tempo.
Final Words
In conclusion, beta fish do enjoy music and it can be used to help improve their environment. While more research is needed, the current evidence suggests that both classical and modern music can be beneficial for these fish. If you have a beta fish, consider playing some music for them and see if it makes them happier and healthier.
Beta fish seem to enjoy music. It seems that they react positively to certain types of sounds. This could be a way to make their environment more stimulating and enriching.

I’m an aquatic veterinarian have a love for aquarium fish. The purpose of creating this blog is to share my personal experience and expertise with the most popular Betta Fish as well as other fish. If you are, interested in caring for Betta fish species just like me? Follow my articles and guides.