Betta fish have a fleshy protrusion in their mouths that is often mistaken for a tongue. This protrusion is called the maxillary barbel and it is used by bettas to help them find food. The maxillary barbel is also used to help bettas communicate with other bettas.
Betta fish have a small, fleshy protrusion on the bottom of their mouths called a barbell. This barbell is used to help the betta fish feel around and find food. While this might look like a tongue, bettas do not actually have tongues.
Do Fish Stick Their Tongues Out?

While it may look like fish are sticking their tongues out, they don’t actually have tongues in the traditional sense. Fish mouths are filled with rows of sharp teeth used for catching prey. But how do these creatures eat?
Fish use a method called suction feeding to draw food into their mouths. When a fish opens its mouth, the pressure inside decreases, and water rushes in to fill the space. This creates a vacuum that sucks the food into the fish’s mouth.
The tongue-like structure you see protruding from a fish’s mouth is actually called a barbule. Barbules help guide food toward the back of the throat where it can be swallowed. Some species of fish also use their barbules to scrape algae and other small organisms off of rocks and reefs.
So next time you see a fish sticking its “tongue” out, remember that this creature is just trying to get a meal!
Do Betta Fish Have Taste Buds?
Betta fish have small, round taste buds on their lips, tongue, and inside their mouths. These taste buds can help them detect different flavors in their food and water. Some betta fish may even be able to tell the difference between sweet and sour tastes.
Do Betta Fish Have Tongues?
It’s a common question asked by betta fish enthusiasts – do these beautiful creatures have tongues? The answer is both yes and no.
Technically, bettas do not have tongues in the traditional sense of the word. However, they do have a fleshy appendage in their mouths that helps them eat and breathe.
This appendage is called the palatal membrane and it’s very similar to a human tongue.
It’s used to move food around in the mouth and also functions as an air filter. So, while bettas don’t technically have tongues, they do have something very similar that serves many of the same purposes.

I’m an aquatic veterinarian have a love for aquarium fish. The purpose of creating this blog is to share my personal experience and expertise with the most popular Betta Fish as well as other fish. If you are, interested in caring for Betta fish species just like me? Follow my articles and guides.