Introducing the fascinating world of betta fish and their unique companions: goldfish. Contrary to popular belief, some betta species do well when living with goldfish.
In fact, some betta fish are so unique in their behavior that they don’t like same-mated fish.
So if you’re thinking about adding a betta fish to your home aquarium, make sure you research which type is best suited for your setup first.
Betta Fish and Goldfish live in the same tank, but there are some key differences that you need to be aware of if you want your Betta to survive.
In this article, we will discuss the process of living with goldfish and how you can make sure your Betta is comfortable and happy.
Can Betta Fish Live With Goldfish
Betta fish can not live together in the same tank as goldfish. Bettas are active and territorial fish, while goldfish are more laid back and will often nibble on the betta’s fins.
Furthermore, goldfish are much larger than bettas, which can make them intimidating to the smaller fish.
Betta fish are usually peaceful and gentle fish, but they can be aggressive towards other fish if they feel threatened. If you have a betta and a big goldfish in the same tank, you’ll need to be very careful not to territorially challenge each other.
While goldfish can eat betta if they get an opportunity, it’s generally not a problem because bettas are small and weak-bodied.
Betta fish are one of the most popular tropical fish in the pet trade. They typically live in small groups and are very active fish.
They can be housed with other types of fish, but they may not get along well with goldfish.
Goldfish are high-maintenance fish that require a lot of attention, so it’s best not to put them with betta fish.
However, some people believe that betta fish can compete with goldfish for food. Therefore, it is important to keep betta fish in check and monitor them closely if they are kept with goldfish.
It is important to remember that betta fish are tropical fish and as such, they require a warmer water environment than most goldfish.
A temperature gradient should be maintained between the colder end of the tank (where the goldfish are) and the warmer end where your Betta lives.
It is also important to keep an eye on your Betta’s water chemistry; too high or low pH levels can be harmful to a Betta.
When a betta fish and goldfish live together, it is important for both species to have an agreement about what should happen in their home. For the betta, this means understanding the Goldfish’s needs so that both can live in harmony.
Here are some considerations to keep in mind when living with these two popular aquatic pets:
- The betta should be the primary inhabitant of the aquarium and the goldfish should only be present as a secondary resident or when they are being fed.
- The betta should always have access to plenty of water and a secure place to hide.
- Food should be given sparingly, and only when the goldfish is hungry.
- The betta and goldfish should not be kept together if one or both of them is aggressive or destructive towards other tankmates or objects.
When a betta fish lives with goldfish, the process is relatively simple. A betta fish should be given an area of its tank that is at least three times its own length, and one-third of the tank should be reserved for the goldfish.
The betta fish should then be fed live brine shrimp or freeze-dried bloodworms daily. If the betta becomes aggressive, it can be introduced to small amounts of frozen foods such as krill or whitebait once a week.
If you want to keep betta fish in the same tank, be prepared for some behavior issues. Bettas are social animals and will not tolerate other fish in their territory.
Some goldfish can grow to be much larger than a betta, which can cause intimidation and aggression. If you have more than one betta, make sure that they have their own areas of the tank and don’t get too close to each other.
Final Words
It is typically recommended that betta fish not be kept with other goldfish as they can become territorial and aggressive. However, if you are willing to put in the effort to keep them separated, then it is possible.
If you have a betta and a goldfish, make sure that the betta has plenty of space to swim and explore and that the goldfish is not too aggressive.
You might also want to add some small plant ornaments to the tank to provide additional interest for your fishes.
- Silverstein, Alvin, Virginia B. Silverstein, and Laura Silverstein Nunn. Fabulous Fish. Lerner Publications, 2003.
- Blanco, Ayelén Melisa, Juan Ignacio Bertucci, and Suraj Unniappan. “Goldfish adipocytes are pancreatic beta cell‐like, glucose‐responsive insulin‐producing cells.” Journal of Cellular Physiology 235.10 (2020): 6875-6886.
- Zych, Kenneth A., et al. “A new runway for goldfish.” The Psychological Record 22.1 (1972): 121-123.

I’m an aquatic veterinarian have a love for aquarium fish. The purpose of creating this blog is to share my personal experience and expertise with the most popular Betta Fish as well as other fish. If you are, interested in caring for Betta fish species just like me? Follow my articles and guides.