Betta fish are popular freshwater fish kept in home aquariums. These fish can get along well with other fish but can be aggressive with other creatures if they are introduced to the aquarium at a young age.
So Can A Betta Fish Go Blind? While fighting with other fish. Bettas may go blind if they are attacked by another fish.
Blindness in bettas is most commonly caused by eye infection or injury, but it can also be the result of genetic disorders or malnutrition.
Can A Betta Fish Go Blind
In most cases, betta fish blindness is gradual and progresses over time. If you notice any changes in your betta’s behavior or vision, it’s important to get them checked out by a veterinarian.
Here are some common causes of blindness in bettas:
Eye Infection
Betta fish can go blind due to a variety of reasons, but most commonly, it is due to an infection or condition in their eyes.
They can get eye infections from bacteria, viruses, and other parasites that get into their eyes through their water.
Betta fish can go blind due to a process referred to as “otitis media”. Otitis media is an infection of the ear canal and can be caused by a number of things, including bacteria, fungi, or debris. If left untreated, otitis media can lead to permanent blindness in the betta fish.
In order for a betta fish to go blind from otitis media, its immune system must first become compromised. This can happen when the fish’s water quality becomes poor, and they start to develop bacteria and fungus in their ears.
Once the infection has progressed enough, the inflammation will cause tissue damage and eventually lead to blindness.
Fortunately, there are ways that you can help your betta fish if they begin developing otitis media. You can make sure their water is clean and full of healthy organisms by adding a filter or using bottled water.
Genetic Problem
This blindness is caused by a genetic problem that affects the eyes of betta fish. The problem is called “pop-eye” and it causes the eyes of the fish to bulge outwards. This condition leads to blindness in about 50% of all affected betta fish.
There is no cure for pop-eye and there is no way to prevent it from happening. However, most betta fish who go blind still live a normal lifespan and can be enjoyed by their owners.
Poor Water Quality
In some cases, the fish may become blind from the accumulation of oils and toxins in their eyes. Other times, the fish’s eyes may simply become damaged or cloudy from age or poor health.
Most betta fish go blind in their early stage. Symptoms may include decreased activity and aggression, swimming in circles or staying close to the bottom of the tank, and difficulty seeing prey.
Another common cause of blindness in bettas is when they are overfed. If you feed your betta too much, they will become overweight and this can lead to health problems, including blindness.
You should only feed your betta as much as they can eat in two minutes and you should also make sure to give them a variety of foods so that they get the nutrients they need.
How To Prevent Betta Blindness
However, if left untreated, eye infection may cause blindness as a result of pressure on the retina (the light-sensitive layer at the back of your eyes).
Treatment for an eye infection includes antibiotics and often pain relief medication to relieve inflammation.
Betta fish can go blind and there are a few things you can do to help prevent it. One of the most common causes of blindness in bettas is when their tank is not kept clean.
Bettas like to have a clean environment and if their tank is not cleaned regularly, they can get sick and eventually go blind.
Here are some tips to help you keep your betta fish healthy and prevent blindness:
-Make sure your tank is properly set up. Clean the glass and metal surfaces regularly with a mild soap solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners, as they can damage your fish’s skin or eyes.
-Feed your betta a balanced diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not overfeed them; offer them small meals several times a day instead. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and health problems such as high blood pressure.
-Keep your betta’s water clean by adding occasional replacement water or by using a filter system that removes impurities and chlorine (such as a HOB).
Final Words
In conclusion, betta fish can go blind, but with proper care, they can still lead happy and healthy lives.
With the right setup and a little bit of knowledge, you can help your pet betta stay safe and comfortable.
If you think your betta is showing any signs of blindness, be sure to take him to the vet for a check-up.

I’m an aquatic veterinarian have a love for aquarium fish. The purpose of creating this blog is to share my personal experience and expertise with the most popular Betta Fish as well as other fish. If you are, interested in caring for Betta fish species just like me? Follow my articles and guides.